søndag den 4. september 2011



Constitution Section 4: Structure of the Presidium and appointment of Honorary Members : The Founders Hasse Ferrold and Bernhard Braumann leave the Presidium 20/3 2018 and will automatically be honorary members of the club as long as they want without any financial or other obligations. ICC thank them for their efforts related to the Founding and activities of ICC.
Constitution ARTICLE III: The expression “PRESIDIUM” is everywhere in the Constitution replaced by “Honorary Panel” (Advisors).
Constitution ARTICLE VI, 6: That ALSO implicates that …
Constitution Article I: Hasse Ferrold has the exclusive right to use the name International Club Copenhagen ,ICC or ICC on his websites ,which he has the exclusive right alone to keep “as is” or edit . This is to keep info about ICC and other things if / when a new ICC Website will be made. 


Established 1/1 2003 in Copenhagen.


                                                            ”International Club Copenhagen”.




The name of this non-profit making organisation is:  ”International Club Copenhagen”.

Decided at General Assembly 20 March 2018: Constitution Article I: Hasse Ferrold has the exclusive right to use the name International Club Copenhagen ,ICC or ICC on his websites ,which he has the exclusive right alone to keep “as is” or edit . This is to keep info about ICC and other things if / when a new ICC Website will be made. 



Leading foreign representatives of Governments, from the business community, of international organizations and of culture should be able to meet in person on a permanent basis with their danish counterparts.                                                                                

By means of widening the foreign members` knowledge and understanding of Denmark, the Club will contribute to enhancing the friendship and promoting exchanges between Denmark and other countries.

Understanding, goodwill and friendship amongst members from all countries should be fostered. The Club and its activities should be neutral in all aspects. Respect for human dignity, human rights and international law is a basic principle of the Club.

To facilite the achievement of the above goal, ”International Club Copenhagen” will welcome danish and foreign personalities able to contribute to the fulfilment of the Club`s objectives.

In order to promote a trustfull atmosphere during Club-activities ,all members and guests agree there should be no quotes outside the club without the permission of the quoted person.

                                                                          Section 1
          Start up.

As this Club was founded by the ideas and initiatives of a dane (Hasse Ferrold) and a diplomat (Bernhard Braumann), it was decided to select a Presidium for ”International Club Copenhagen” to start with, which would represent the purpose, the various sectors of the Danish Society as well as the international connections between Denmark and other countries.

                                                                            Section 2
                                                             Elected Presidium.           

At the establishing of  the Club the founders have appointed members of the Presidium.
After a period of two years a Presidium will be elected by the members of the annual general assembly trying to following the structure along the purposes and objectives of the Club. 

Decided at General Assembly 20 March 2018: Constitution ARTICLE III: 
The expression “PRESIDIUM” is everywhere in the Constitution replaced by “Honorary Panel” (Advisors).

                                                                             Section 3
                                                       Selection of representation.

The Presidium of the ”International Club Copenhagen” being established to bring together leading personalities and experts from all fields of society, should at all times represent this objective.

Without restricting the selection in details, it is recommended to choose representatives from politics and diplomacy,   economy,  finance and trade,  science and education,  culture and arts as well as media, press and publications.
At no time there should be more than two representatives of the same field of expertise or foreign country on the Presidium.

     Section 4

Structure of the Presidium

     and appointment of Honorary Members and Honorary  Guests.    

The Presidium will consist of up to 10 executive members ( included the two founders if reelected).

The exact structure of the Presidium will be decided by election of  ”International Club Copenhagen” members at a General Assembly. If a member of the Presidium stops between the General assemblys, the Presidium will elect a new member (by majority vote). 

Honorary members and Honorary guests of ICC:
In order to show the purpose of the Club, it will be recommended to have at any time Honorary Members and Honorary Guests, who represent  international relations of  Denmark to the world.
If the Founders leave the Presidium, they will automatically be honorary members of the club.

Proposal of Honorary  members  and Honorary Guests have to be accepted by a majority of the Presidium and will be elected for life-time or until they decide to leave the Club.

The general assembly appoints a clubmaster (for program planning and logistics,creative support and input, and to represent ICC ), a secretary, a treasurer and possibly special committees. The Clubmaster is always member of the Presidium.

Decided at General Assembly 28/5 2008:
According to the structure of similar organizations as ICC, it was decided, that the leader of ICC will be titled "President" in stead of Clubmaster or Director.

Decided at General Assembly 20 March 2018: Constitution Section 4: Structure of the Presidium and appointment of Honorary Members : The Founders Hasse Ferrold and Bernhard Braumann leave the Presidium 20/3 2018 and will automatically be honorary members of the club as long as they want without any financial or other obligations. ICC thank them for their efforts related to the Founding and activities of ICC.

The Clubmaster decides, who is responsible for the conduct of the meetings.

The founders will participate in the decision making of the executive mermbers of the Presidium as active coordinators.

The secretary shall help to conduct the correspondance and records of the Club. There can be appointed associated secretarys. The Clubmaster has the right to appoint these.

All elected members of the Presidium shall stay in line unless they ”resign” themselves or are not reelected ( and hand over the duties, records and any Club property) .

Reports are to be made by the secretary or an appointed secretary about all Presidium meetings and annual assembly and sent to the members of the Presidium.

Any decision of the Presidium is made by majority vote. If a Presidium member could not attend a Presidium meeting, where a vote was made, he has the right to vote pro or against the decision up to 14 days after the receival of the report of the meeting. To ensure no delay in the decision making, no answer within 14 days will be considered as having voted PRO - (Silent procedure). The Clubmaster has the right to send proposals to the presidium with a decision period shorter than 14 days (no respons = accept) in urgent matters or matters,where it is obvious, that a majority will vote pro ( for the benefit of ICC).                                    



Section 1.

Membership shall be open by selection through the Clubmaster and through the Presidium .

The selection may include leading representatives from abroad as well as from Denmark following the objectives of the Club.

Members shall be interested in the objectives of the Club.

If the founders of ”International Club Copenhagen”, Minister Counsellor Bernhard Braumann and D.D.S. Hasse Ferrold leave the Presidium, they will automatically be honorary members of the Club for life, or as long as they want to stay. The reason for this is to assure continuity of the original idea of the Club.

Section 2.

Applicants for membership can be suggested by a member  of ICC , who makes it likely, that the applicant meets the requirements for active membership and follows the objectives of ICC.

Applicants without this kind of invitation must produce evidence of eligibility to the Clubmaster and The Presidium.

Section 3.

Application forms shall be completed in English and must be sent by e-mail to the Clubmaster / secretary.

Section 4.

The amount of membership dues (if any), shall be voted upon by the members at the May annual assembly, on the recommendation of the Clubmaster / Presidium. The said amount of dues shall be printed in the ”International Club Copenhagen ” publications /messages. The goal must allways be to have no due or as little as possible. 
Dues shall be payable annually not later than 30th  of September. The names of members, who have not paid their dues by  the end of October, can (if decided)  be excluded from the membership directory by the Presidium (if no good excuse) by a two-thirds majority vote or one of the founders .This is equal to a lapse of membership.
Dues shall be payable to the treasurer by cash, bank-tranfer, giro or cheque made payable to ” International Club Copenhagen”.
Decision on annual membership fee at General Assembly 17/5 2004: Long debate about evt. membership fee. The conclusion was, that  ICC as a principle is free of membership fee, but to have a certain amount of cash at the bank-account to "work with" and as a back up of the activities,it was decided, that a "normal" membership fee is "expected" to be 300 DKr / year.
The Clubmaster can evt. except members from this, if it is for the benefit of ICC.This question can be debated also at the next General assembly, if so wished.

Section 5.

The Presidium (by majority vote) or one of the founders shall reserve the right to terminate membership of  a member (except for the founders) . The Clubmaster / Presidium shall inform the member by e-mail of their membership termination.

Section 6.

Membership is automatically renewed if not cancelled.

Couples/partners can ,if they wish, be members on one number of membership, so they only pay membership fee (if any) for one.

The Clubmaster can decide for a member ,that the paid membership due also counts for the next Clubyear.This could for example be the case, if a member gets membership late in a Club Year.

Diplomats and others can, if they take over anothers position, continue in their membership, and not have to pay any new dues, which has already been paid.

Any member of „International Club Copenhagen “ is allowed to bring a guest to a meeting, if the
guest corresponds to the objectives of the club. If a member brings more than one guest, approval
must be obtained in advance by the Clubmaster or one member of the Presidium.
Priority should be given to „International Club Copenhagen “ members in case of restrictions on participants.Any guest can be refused admittance by the Clubmaster or one member of the Presidium.
Members shall be responsible for expenses incurred by their guests. The Clubmaster/Presidium may limit the number of guests at any one function or designate any meeting or function open to members only.

Article V

Section 1.
All „International Club Copenhagen“ meetings and functions shall (as an intention) be conducted in English.

Section 2.
Event  meetings of the „International Club Copenhagen“shall be held every month (except holiday season) arranged by the Clubmaster or /and the Presidium. These meetings shall (intentionally) include an invited speaker followed by discussions and social activities.

Club activities could include special events and visits.

Following the purpose of the Club, members are encouraged to invite their fellow members to special meetings in their own field, like special invitations to events connected to State Visits, exhibition openings, conferences etc.

The Clubmaster / Presidium shall also call a special meeting, if so required, by written (e-mail) request of a minimum of 50 members. Written notice stating the purpose of the meeting shall be given at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.

Section 3.
One annual assembly shall be arranged by the Clubmaster / presidium in May (Change decided at General Assembly 28/5 2008: May replaced by “in the second quarter” ) of each year for members only. The invitation for this should reach members not later than 10 week-days (change decided at General Assembly 28/5 2008: 10 Days) ahead of the meeting.

The agenda must include:
1) Election of director of General Assembly and persons evt. to count votes.

2) The annual report of the Clubmaster (which has been circulated to the members in advance at the Club´s website).

3) The treasurer's (revised) report and budget,circulated in advance at website under "club-account".

3a) Election of Treasurer and one other person to confirm draft from  bank-account.

4) Incoming suggestions from Members, Heads of Mission and Deputy Heads ofMission.

5) Election of Clubmaster (Director).

6) Election of Presidium, and thank you from ICC to the former Presidium  for their support to the Club.  (applause from audience).

7) Election of one auditor (and substitute to auditor) to revise the"annual report".

8) Decision on annual membership fee.

9) Any other business that may arise.

   Only members on the member-list have the right to vote.


Section 1.
( Deleted by General Assembly 27/5 2014: The Club's funds shall be deposited in a danish bank in the name of „International Club Copenhagen “).
REPLACED  at General Assembly 27/5 2014 BY: The Club´s funds shall be deposited in a "as safe as possible "way in the name of "International Club Copenhagen"with an annual accounting before the General Assembly. 

(  Deleted by General Assembly 27/5 2014: Signatures for transactions shall include the treasurer (after mutual agreement confirmed by phone,e-mail or in writing,by the other person (elected at Gen.Assembly) to confirm draft from bank-account )
CHANGED by General Assembly 27/5 2014 TO: Transactions shall be confirmed by the President and the treasurer (after mutual agreement confirmed by phone,e-mail or in writing).

 Deleted by General Assembly 27/5 2014: The treasurer has the right to open a bank-account for the Club (belonging to „International Club Copenhagen“) in „Danske Bank“ in agreement with the Clubmaster / Presidium.)
CHANGED  by General Assembly 27/5 2014 TO: The President and the treasurer has the right (no obligation) to open a bank-account ( IF Necessary) for the Club (belonging to "International Club Copenhagen") in "A DANISH BANK" in agreement with the President / Presidium.

Nobody in the ICC has the right to create debts for ICC.

Section 2.

The Club year goes from one General assembly to the next.The “account” year goes from May the first to April the 30. ( Change decided at General Assembly 28/5 2008: from 1.April – 31.March ).

Section 3.
A special audit of all accounts shall be held, if the member holding office as treasurer shall resign or be replaced by an incoming treasurer by Clubmaster and accepted by Presidium.

Section 4.

There shall be an annual audit by an elected auditor.

Section 5.
A proposed budget should be drawn by the Clubmaster/treasurer/Presidium based on the treasurer's report of the previous year, and submitted to members for approval at the May annual assembly. 

( Deleted by General Assembly 27/5 2014:Any deviation of more than DKK 10.000,-- (ten thousand kroner) on any given item approved by the club in May, shall be brought to the attention of the club for approval.The club account should never be less than 1000 kroner at any given time ).                       
       Section 6.
No single Club member can ever be responsable for any financial obligation of the Club.
That implicates, that no single member is allowed to cause any financial obligation to the Club, unless the member has been ordered to do so by the Clubmaster / Presidium. In that case the Clubmaster / Presidium has to organize the financing of the project.

Decided at General Assembly 20 March 2018: Constitution ARTICLE VI, 6: That ALSO implicates that …


Section 1.
The term of office shall begin after the annual assembly of the year of election.

Section 2.

A list of candidates and profiles for the Presidium , if possible, is to be sent to the members with the announcement for the General assembly or announced on website.
Candidates to the Presidium must send the name (s) to the Clubmaster before  the end of March.

                                                                          Section 3.                 

When two or more nominees contest , election shall be by written ballot by the entire regular membership of the Club both present at General assembly and absent members voting by mail, if they so wish.

Voting by mail: members voting by mail shall write the name (s) on a slip, which shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "ballot for election of Presidium". This envelope shall be enclosed in another one addressed to the Clubmaster with the signature and EASY READ NAME of the voter on it. The marked envelope shall be opened in public during the vote, and a list of those having voted by mail shall be published with the summary of the general assembly . 

Section 4.

In the event of a vacancy in the Presidium after the election, the Presidium shall appoint a member.


Section 1.
A majority vote by members duly assembled at the annual general meeting shall constitute a quorum of the Club. Votes given by mail,e-mail or handed over more than 24 hours before the meeting will count as if the voting person is present.
Section 2.
A majority vote shall constitute a quorum of the Presidium, included a vote given within 14 days after receipt of the summary of a meeting. Votes given by mail,e-mail or handed over more than 24 hours before the meeting will count as if the voting person is present.


Section 1.
In order to dissolve „International Club Copenhagen“, the Clubmaster / Presidium must notify each voting member three weeks in advance of the intent to vote on dissolution.
A statement of reasons for dissolution must accompany the notice. At two meetings with 14 days between, a three-fourths vote for dissolution is needed to carry the motion.

Section 2.
In case of dissolution, the funds of the Club shall be disbursed in keeping with the purpose and ideals of  International Club Copenhagen. The Presidium or the founders shall have the disposal of the records, or the records should be disposed of by the Presidium or the founders.


This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at a special meeting called for the purpose, or at the annual assembly. Votes given by mail,e-mail or handed over more than 24 hours before the meeting will count as if the voting person is present.
The Presidium or any active member may submit proposals, in writing (e-mail) to the Clubmaster / Presidium, who shall announce them. All approved amendments shall be dated and added to the original Constitution.